These professionals are truly a lifeline for the families we serve.
Eye doctors often get patients for life just by recognizing and referring for possible functional vision problems and they become a hero to their patients.
Teachers & Educators
And our patients always remember the teacher who changed their lives forever with a referral.
Occupational Therapists & Physical Therapists
Some OTs and PTs may assume there is nothing else they can do for the patient, but others realize that functional vision problems are causing roadblocks. Once they refer to us to have those problems treated, OTs and PTs may find that they can move forward with their program and get even better results once the functional vision problems are resolved.
Psychologists & Neuropsychologists
Neuropsychologists are uniquely positioned to be heroes to their patients since their testing usually screens for visual processing and visual-spatial problems. We applaud the professionals who can look outside the box, identifying and making referrals for functional vision problems.