Vision Therapy Resources

Vision Therapy Resources

Professional Organizations – College of Optometrists in Vision Development – Vision Help Group – American Optometric Association – Optometric Extension Program

Vision Therapy Research

We have compiled a list of research supporting vision therapy.  Click here to check it out!


The Vision Help Blog –

COVD Blog –

Wow Vision Therapy Blog – WOW vision

Minnesota Vision Therapy Center

Follow Us on Facebook!

Parent Groups

Vision Therapy Parent’s Unite

This is a closed Facebook group (just ask permission to join) for parents considering vision therapy, with a child in vision therapy, or with a child who has completed vision therapy.  Run by parents, for parents.


Fixing My Gaze: A Scientists Journey Into Seeing in 3 Dimensions
by Susan Barry, PHD

Jillian’s Story: How Vision Therapy Changed My Daughter’s Life
by Robin Benoit

Dear Jillian: Vision Therapy Changed My Life Too
by Robin Benoit and Jillian Benoit

Eyes for Learning: Preventing and Curing Vision-Related Learning Problems
by Antonia Orfield

Eye Movements and the Fundamental Reading Process
by Stanford E. Taylor

Reflexes, Learning, and Behavior
by Sally Goddard Blythe

The Well Balanced Child
by Sally Goddard Blythe

Thinking Goes to School
by Hans G. Furth and Harry Wachs, O.D.

Suddenly Successful – How Behavioral Optometry Helps You Overcome Learning, Health & Behavior Problems
by Hazel Richmond Dawkins, Dr. Ellis Edelman, O.D., and Dr. Constantine Forkiotis, O.D.

When Your Child Struggles: The Myths of 20/20 Vision
by Dr. David Cook, O.D.

Minnesota Vision Therapy Center

Follow Us on Facebook!

Professional Organizations – College of Optometrists in Vision Development – Vision Help Group – American Optometric Association – Optometric Extension Program

Vision Therapy Research

We have compiled a list of research supporting vision therapy.  Click here to check it out!

Parent Groups

Vision Therapy Parent’s Unite

This is a closed Facebook group (just ask permission to join) for parents considering vision therapy, with a child in vision therapy, or with a child who has completed vision therapy.  Run by parents, for parents.


The Vision Help Blog –

COVD Blog –

Wow Vision Therapy Blog –


Fixing My Gaze: A Scientists Journey Into Seeing in 3 Dimensions
by Susan Barry, PHD

Jillian’s Story: How Vision Therapy Changed My Daughter’s Life
by Robin Benoit

Dear Jillian: Vision Therapy Changed My Life Too
by Robin Benoit and Jillian Benoit

Eyes for Learning: Preventing and Curing Vision-Related Learning Problems
by Antonia Orfield

Eye Movements and the Fundamental Reading Process
by Stanford E. Taylor

Reflexes, Learning, and Behavior
by Sally Goddard Blythe

The Well Balanced Child
by Sally Goddard Blythe

Thinking Goes to School
by Hans G. Furth and Harry Wachs, O.D.

Suddenly Successful – How Behavioral Optometry Helps You Overcome Learning, Health & Behavior Problems
by Hazel Richmond Dawkins, Dr. Ellis Edelman, O.D., and Dr. Constantine Forkiotis, O.D.

When Your Child Struggles: The Myths of 20/20 Vision
by Dr. David Cook, O.D.