Your student is currently enrolled in a vision therapy program at Minnesota Vision Therapy Center.
Dear Teacher,
Your student was assessed at Minnesota Vision Therapy Center and was found to have Amblyopia and tracking deficiencies.
Our programs address eye tracking, eye teaming, and eye focusing – all vital skills needed for easier classroom learning.
Please take a look at the classroom suggestion list for your student (this is attached to the email from their therapist/parent). These accommodations will help them have a successful school year.
We have also included some great informational links to a few short videos that further explain how functional vision issues impact children in the classroom.
We thank you for reviewing the information provided. Vision-related learning issues create huge roadblocks in learning and often affect self-esteem. Please continue to encourage your student and know that together we can help them reach their potential.
“After vision therapy, my daughter had a 90% growth rate in reading and a 98% growth rate in math over the past school year. She is now above average in both areas!”
Mother of VT Graduate
Good eyesight does not equal good vision.
Children with 20/20 eyesight can have functional vision problems.
School screenings check for visual acuity (20/20) only and do not screen for functional vision skills required for reading and learning.
See inside our therapy room!
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Concerned about one of your students? In just 5 minutes, you can see if functional vision is holding them back.
Minnesota Vision Therapy Center
9531 West 78th Street #200,
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
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